Dr. Raphael Eppler-Hattab, CEO and owner of Eppler Consulting, a human resource management consultancy firm, is an organizational gerontologist and consultant specializing in organizational measurement and remuneration and human resource development, and also a researcher, a veteran human rights activist in the gay Israeli community, and a former journalist.
The content areas in which Eppler Consulting operates are:
Organizational consulting: We specialize in building human resource processes and organizational measurement systems as well as effective pay and compensation schemes tailored to the organization’s needs and goals.
Organizational gerontology: We provide consultation to organizations and government ministries in operating the “Workplace Age-friendliness Measure” as a means to support employment policy for the benefit of optimizing and leveraging the accumulated talent and knowledge of aging and older workforce in organizations and companies, and grant certification to age-friendly employers.
LGBT activism: Dr. Eppler-Hattab is an activist in the gay community in Israel since the 1980s, and in recent years has been contributing and advising on LGBT aging and socio-historical issues, as well as leading groups for gay community seniors.
Development and professionalism, innovation, leadership, reliability, and flexibility are the values that accompany us.